Friday, 6 September 2013

Miss C.W.A. at Wakool

Found this little snippet in Trove - mentions my mother Jean

Miss C.W.A. at Wakool

Miss Jean Hollins was declared the winner of the Wakool Miss C. W. A. at the annual green and gold ball at Wakool. As a result of the competition-the C.W.A. Rest Room, at Wakool is now debt free.

After the declaration of the result of the competition the winner was decorated with a blue and gold sash by Mrs J. A Lawson, M.B.E.

The Hall was decorated with green and gold streamers. Bouquets were presented to the three competitors in the competition, to official visitors, and presidents and secretaries of each girl's committee.

Among visitors presented was the Group President, Mrs Robinson, from Macorna who announced the result of the competition as follows:— Miss Burraboi-Rangemore (Miss Jean Hollins) £223 Miss Wakool (Miss Joan Lane) £208 Miss Tulla (Miss Leonora McClay)  £130

The winner wore a full skirted frock of green net, the halter necked bodice embroidered in gold sequins in a leaf design.

Other two competitors wore white frocks and all were presented with crystal gifts as mementos.

Flower girls who assisted in the presentation were Dawn Golding and Laurel Jones. Both wore gold and green.  

Door takings at the ball totalled about £81.

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Rice growing at Burraboi, Wakool and Tullakool

Found these great articles in Trove about rice harvesting in the Burraboi, Wakool and Tullakool districts, including the building of the new rice shed at Burraboi in 1951.  My grandfather Edgar Hollins grew one of the first experimental crops at Burraboi.

Rice pours into mill at Echuca

At least 200 tons of rice have been delivered to Echuca's new rice mill this week, although rain held up deliveries for two days.
The storage shed is not yet completed, but delivery began this week to minimise losses to farmers, who have 20,000 bags lying in their paddocks.
Echuca railwaymen deny that a shortage of rail trucks was responsible for an accumulation of 4,000 tons of rice at Tullakool fields.
Sidings between Echuca and Burraboi and Wakool fields, they said, were full of trucks, which could not be loaded because of the wet weather.


The installation of machinery in the Echuca Rice Mill is now almost complete, and expectations are that processing of rice at the mill will start within a month.
Only about twenty per cent, of the machinery necessary to commence milling remains to be installed at the factory, and when this is done the final link-up in the electric system will be made and the factory will then be ready to swing into production.
The storage shed at the mill site is now complete but for the erection of some of the sliding doors.
Preparations are being made at the mill for the intake of this season's rice from the Wakool area. The first loads from this year's harvest are expected at the factory in a fortnight.
The whole of the season's crop from the Wakool area will be stored, in the company's shed at Echuca, and in one approximately the same size at Burraboi.
The Burraboi storage shed is to be used as holding space while the rice from the Echuca shed is processed at the mill. The grain from Burraboi will then be transported to Echuca and also processed at the mill.
In this fashion the entire rice crop from the Wakool district will be processed at Echuca.


The rice harvesting season will commence very soon in the Wakool, Tullakool and Burraboi districts and its advent will almost coincide with the completion of the new rice mill in Annesley Street, Echuca.
For the next month or so Burraboi, Wakool and Tullakool areas will be busy, as the settlers commence to harvest a big crop.
A new rice store at Burraboi siding will cost in the vicinity of £30,000. Reports indicate that crops on the whole area are good, and the yields on several excellent crops will be very high.
At Burraboi the huge storage shed to house the crop while awaiting transfer to the Echuca rice mill, is nearly completed. The shed measures 200 feet toy 100 feet, and is being built by the Rice Equalisation Board. It will store 6500 tons of rice at full capacity.
Owing to the shortage of cement - 150 tons would be needed to concrete the floor of the building - it was found impossible to put the floor in for this season's harvest. The rice will be stacked on a temporary staging.
Three new power elevators to stack the rice are also at Burra boi siding. These cost approximately £300 each. It is expected that 14,000 tons of rice will go through the Burraboi siding this season. The entire rice crop from the Wakool district will be processed at Echuca.